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2005-10-07 - 2:35 p.m.

Trying to get Mr.A to purchase some form of classic transport that fulfils my hippy /gas guzzling/ completely impractical yet cool as f*ck criteria has been a uphill struggle or more like a huge vertical climb with no safety ropes and a lot of uncontrollable wheezing. I failed miserably. My famed powers of persuasion have seemingly deserted me. I have resorted to endurance sulking punctuated by intermittent screams of �I never get what I want�. Nothing works. Instead we bought this or something similar. In fact on Friday we managed to purchase a car and a house all in one day which seems a little extravagant I know, especially from one who refuses to get her haircut more than once a year because of the enormous expense. But hey, in for a penny�

Please be so kind as to welcome us finally to adulthood. We are officially all grown up. We have Vauxhall Astra and we will travel (or at least we will once it�s taxed and insured).
How overly excited am I? We can finally vist places on a whim, travelling will no longer involve the chore of organising trains and buses and pick ups and enduring frankly hazardous British Rail cuisine and having to sit next to people who insist on encroaching on ones personal space while playing exceptionally loud drum and bass and smelling of blue cheese.

We will own a home. Our own home. I can paint the kitchen pink and turquoise, I can knock out windows, I can remove partition walls without asking anyone. I can graffiti obscene expletives all over the bathroom suite. I can transform the second bedroom into a gimp palace, if I so choose.

It amused me greatly watching Mr.A drive for the first time, obviously it was not his first time driving but rather my first time seeing him manoeuvre a vehicle and dare I say it, manoeuvre it rather well. There�s something very odd about seeing him behind the wheel of a car because it�s not somewhere I am used to seeing him. I like it. It�s kind of sexy. Watching him drive gives me �the horn�, (is the motoring world where this where this particular vernacular gem appeared from?) Anyway I hope this feeling subsides pretty soon or we will never get anywhere.

shambhala nirvana

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Watching? Lost
Reading? Some hippy-shit about crystals
Soundtrack? Gomez - Bring it on